Posts tagged God's promises
Story 43: The Battling Sons of Rebekah

The LORD had a very unique and specific plan to bring salvation to humanity, and Abraham and Isaac were on board and willing to do what He willed.

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Story 44 Isaac and Abraham, Cut from the Same Cloth

In the early days of Isaac and Rebekah’s marriage, long before they had their twin boys, they went through many trials and struggles.  At one point, a great famine came upon the land.  It grew more and more difficult to find enough to eat.

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Story 45 The Trials of Isaac

Isaac and Rebekah lived in Abimelech’s land for quite some time, and everyone believed that they were sister and brother.  It was quite a charade.  But then one day, King Abimelech looked out a window of his royal palace, and he saw Isaac caressing Rebekah with the kind of tender affection that belongs only between a husband and wife!

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Story 50 The God Who Sees

The LORD looked on Leah and saw that she was not loved by her husband.  To make things even worse, she had to watch his tender ways with her sister.  How his eyes lit up whenever Rachel came near!  How he treated her with the deference of masculine passion!

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Story 52 Jacob Vents

Jacob had escaped from his uncle with all of his wives and children, their servants, flocks, and tents.  Ten days into their journey back to the Promised Land, Laban and the men of his household caught up with them. 

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Story 53 Facing Esau and Facing God

As Jacob and his family left the land of Laban behind, they were headed towards something that could become an even bigger problem.  Twenty years before, Jacob fled his family. He had tricked his brother and father and taken the birthright and the blessing of the firstborn, and then he had to leave. 

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Story 54 A New Sunrise

The sunrise came and a new morning began.  The conniving sneak was transformed.  In the past, Jacob had showed some glimpses of faith.  Unlike Esau, he had not married Canaanite women.  He truly believed in God’s promise that the land of Canaan would one day belong to the descendants of Abraham.

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Story 57 The Altars of God: Jacob Returns to Bethel

The children of Abraham had earned a new kind of reputation.  Abraham was a man of peace, venturing into war only to protect and defend.  His military might had restored his neighbors from slavery and abject poverty.

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Story 58 Jacob’s Favored Son

In all those years of Jacob’s travels, Esau had grown to a man of vast fortunes.  The customs of his family had also changed.  Esau did not marry women from Abraham’s heritage.  His marriages to Canaanite women deeply connected his life and children to the Canaanite nations around him.

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Story 59 Joseph is Sold

Joseph, the beloved son of Rachel and Jacob, grew up quite alone in the household of his father.  The sons of Leah and the maidservants were very jealous of this boy who was so clearly the favorite of their father.  He wore the lavish coat that their father had made just for him, and he told them of dreams where they would bow down at his feet.

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Story 60 Judah

The family of Jacob became more distant and broken.  Judah moved away from the clan and married a Canaanite woman.  Their first two sons were so wicked that God shortened their lives so they could sin no more.  Tamar was the wife of Judah’s oldest son, and now she was left alone and vulnerable. 

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Story 61 Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

Joseph was living in Egypt as a slave in the house of Potiphar.  The Bible says that God was with Joseph, which means he was present with him to bless him.  Even though he was a slave and far from the Land of Promise, God’s protection and care had not changed. 

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Story 62 The Cupbearer and the Baker

Joseph spent year after year in the prison dungeon, humbled to one of the lowest positions in life.  Yet he continued to faithfully and loyally serve God.  His God was with him in the middle of his suffering, and he trusted that his Lord had a purpose in it.

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Story 63 Joseph before the Pharaoh

Joseph worked away as a faithful servant in the prison of the Egyptian king.  At one point, he even interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.  His interpretations came true with stunning accuracy! 

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Story 64 Joseph’s Life in Egypt

The Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the entire land of Egypt.  He took off his own signet ring and put it on Joseph’s finger.  The ring was a seal that would be pressed into melted wax.  Any letter or scroll that had an impression from that ring had the same authority as a command from the Pharaoh himself!  Joseph was the most powerful decision maker in the land! 

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Story 65 Joseph’s Clever Love

The last time Joseph saw his brothers, they were angry and cruel.  Though he pleaded with them for his life, they viciously sold him to slave traders.  Now as they stood before him in Egypt, they were dusty and weary from their week long journey from Canaan. 

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