When we look at the time between Adam and Noah, there were ten generations of humans that multiplied on the earth. They became so hardened and wicked that God had to wash the earth clean of their polluting sin.
Read MoreAbram had moved out in faith because of the promises of God. The LORD told him to leave his country and his father's household and go to an entirely new land. God was going to raise up so many descendants for him that they would become an entire nation.
Read MoreAbram and Sarai had taken some major risks in obedience to God. They had left their own land and all of their comforts to become Bedouins, journeying to the land of Canaan, trusting that God would one day give it to their descendants so that they could bless the world.
Read MoreThe human race had plunged itself into a terrible situation. God created humanity to live in perfect harmony with Himself.
Read MoreOne day, Abraham was resting out by the entrance to his tent. It was the time of day when the heat grew to its worst. Abraham sat looking out on the glorious trees of Mamre where he and Sarah had chosen to live. They were far from the cities of immorality and shame that his nephew Lot had found so attractive.
Read MoreThree visitors had come to visit Abraham. He had provided them with a feast and honored their presence at his home. These guests were truly worthy of such an honor.
Read MoreAbraham had been bargaining with God. It was a remarkable day all around. The LORD had come with two angels to visit Abraham and his wife, Sarah, in order to bring them a message.
Read MoreAfter the mighty hand of God came in judgment on the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham moved his clan to a place called Negev.
Read MoreYears of joy went by for Abraham and Sarah. Isaac learned to crawl and toddle around on his little feet. When he was two or three, they weaned him from his mother.
Read MoreThe LORD had a very unique and specific plan to bring salvation to humanity, and Abraham and Isaac were on board and willing to do what He willed.
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