When we look at the time between Adam and Noah, there were ten generations of humans that multiplied on the earth. They became so hardened and wicked that God had to wash the earth clean of their polluting sin.
Read MoreAbram had moved out in faith because of the promises of God. The LORD told him to leave his country and his father's household and go to an entirely new land. God was going to raise up so many descendants for him that they would become an entire nation.
Read MoreWow. Imagine the difference in the life of Abram from the time we began his story until now. He went from being a wandering nomad with his wife and nephew to a man of vast wealth.
Read MoreAbram and Sarai had taken some major risks in obedience to God. They had left their own land and all of their comforts to become Bedouins, journeying to the land of Canaan, trusting that God would one day give it to their descendants so that they could bless the world.
Read MoreThe human race had plunged itself into a terrible situation. God created humanity to live in perfect harmony with Himself.
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