Posts in Holiness in Christianity
Story 46 The Blessing

Isaac was getting older.   His eyes were becoming so weak that he was almost blind.  He was a hundred, and his aging heart and limbs could not move about as they used to.  He feared that the time of his death was coming.  Before he was gone, he was determined to speak a blessing to Esau, his firstborn son. 

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Story 49 Jacob Arrives at Uncle Laban’s Estate

Jacob continued on his journey.  His trek led him away from the Land of Promise where his family faithfully waited on the LORD.  He was heading back to the region that Abraham, his great and honorable grandfather, had left over a hundred years before when he was called by God into the wilderness.

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Story 52 Jacob Vents

Jacob had escaped from his uncle with all of his wives and children, their servants, flocks, and tents.  Ten days into their journey back to the Promised Land, Laban and the men of his household caught up with them. 

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Story 56 Using the Things of God for Ungodly Things

Shechem had grown up in the brutal town that shared his name.  It was a world where manipulation and corruption were the name of the game.  And when it came to how a man should treat a woman, it was even more brutal still.

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Story 57 The Altars of God: Jacob Returns to Bethel

The children of Abraham had earned a new kind of reputation.  Abraham was a man of peace, venturing into war only to protect and defend.  His military might had restored his neighbors from slavery and abject poverty.

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Story 58 Jacob’s Favored Son

In all those years of Jacob’s travels, Esau had grown to a man of vast fortunes.  The customs of his family had also changed.  Esau did not marry women from Abraham’s heritage.  His marriages to Canaanite women deeply connected his life and children to the Canaanite nations around him.

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Story 59 Joseph is Sold

Joseph, the beloved son of Rachel and Jacob, grew up quite alone in the household of his father.  The sons of Leah and the maidservants were very jealous of this boy who was so clearly the favorite of their father.  He wore the lavish coat that their father had made just for him, and he told them of dreams where they would bow down at his feet.

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Story 60 Judah

The family of Jacob became more distant and broken.  Judah moved away from the clan and married a Canaanite woman.  Their first two sons were so wicked that God shortened their lives so they could sin no more.  Tamar was the wife of Judah’s oldest son, and now she was left alone and vulnerable. 

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Story 61 Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

Joseph was living in Egypt as a slave in the house of Potiphar.  The Bible says that God was with Joseph, which means he was present with him to bless him.  Even though he was a slave and far from the Land of Promise, God’s protection and care had not changed. 

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Story 62 The Cupbearer and the Baker

Joseph spent year after year in the prison dungeon, humbled to one of the lowest positions in life.  Yet he continued to faithfully and loyally serve God.  His God was with him in the middle of his suffering, and he trusted that his Lord had a purpose in it.

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Story 65 Joseph’s Clever Love

The last time Joseph saw his brothers, they were angry and cruel.  Though he pleaded with them for his life, they viciously sold him to slave traders.  Now as they stood before him in Egypt, they were dusty and weary from their week long journey from Canaan. 

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Story 66 The Dreaded Journey Back to Egypt

Joseph’s brothers left for the long trek home.  When they arrived at the place where they would stop for the night, one of them opened a bag of grain.  He saw a bunch of silver coins resting there on the top.  It was the money they were supposed to pay to the Egyptians!  Suddenly, he felt very, very afraid. 

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Story 67 In the Home of Joseph

As soon as they arrived at Joseph’s house, they saw his steward, the main servant of the household. He was standing at the entrance of Joseph’s beautiful and elegant home, a palace fit for the most powerful ruler serving the king.

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Story 69 Joseph Reveals Himself

When Joseph told his brother who he really was, they were too terrified to say a thing.  So many years before, when he was defenseless and alone, they had thrown him in a cistern and sold him to be a slave. 

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Story 71 Jacob Blesses His Sons

Israel’s strength continued to fail.  Joseph heard that he was becoming dangerously ill.  He brought his sons Manasseh and Ephraim to Goshen to see their grandfather.  When Jacob learned that Joseph had come, he pulled himself up in his bed with all his strength so he could bless him. 

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Story 72 Jacob’s Blessings as Curses

Once Jacob had put these wide and powerful blessings on the sons of Joseph, he called all of his sons together.  He said, “‘Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.’” 

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