Posts tagged old
Story 60 Judah

The family of Jacob became more distant and broken.  Judah moved away from the clan and married a Canaanite woman.  Their first two sons were so wicked that God shortened their lives so they could sin no more.  Tamar was the wife of Judah’s oldest son, and now she was left alone and vulnerable. 

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Story 62 The Cupbearer and the Baker

Joseph spent year after year in the prison dungeon, humbled to one of the lowest positions in life.  Yet he continued to faithfully and loyally serve God.  His God was with him in the middle of his suffering, and he trusted that his Lord had a purpose in it.

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Story 63 Joseph before the Pharaoh

Joseph worked away as a faithful servant in the prison of the Egyptian king.  At one point, he even interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.  His interpretations came true with stunning accuracy! 

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