Posts tagged Esau and Jacob
Story 43: The Battling Sons of Rebekah

The LORD had a very unique and specific plan to bring salvation to humanity, and Abraham and Isaac were on board and willing to do what He willed.

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Story 46 The Blessing

Isaac was getting older.   His eyes were becoming so weak that he was almost blind.  He was a hundred, and his aging heart and limbs could not move about as they used to.  He feared that the time of his death was coming.  Before he was gone, he was determined to speak a blessing to Esau, his firstborn son. 

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Story 47 The Cost of Deception

What a sad and distorted picture of a family.  Isaac, Esau, Rebekah, and Jacob each worked out of their own selfish ambition, competing over the powerful and potent blessing of the firstborn son.  What great blessings and harmony they could have shared together if they had all submitted to the will of their faithful God.

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Story 49 Jacob Arrives at Uncle Laban’s Estate

Jacob continued on his journey.  His trek led him away from the Land of Promise where his family faithfully waited on the LORD.  He was heading back to the region that Abraham, his great and honorable grandfather, had left over a hundred years before when he was called by God into the wilderness.

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Story 51 Life with Laban: Serving the Corrupt and Greedy

In those early days of his marriages, Jacob’s family had grown to eleven boys and a girl!  For fourteen years, he worked as the chief shepherd for Laban so that he could marry Rachel and Leah.  He had worked very hard, often in harsh weather and for long hours. 

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Story 52 Jacob Vents

Jacob had escaped from his uncle with all of his wives and children, their servants, flocks, and tents.  Ten days into their journey back to the Promised Land, Laban and the men of his household caught up with them. 

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Story 53 Facing Esau and Facing God

As Jacob and his family left the land of Laban behind, they were headed towards something that could become an even bigger problem.  Twenty years before, Jacob fled his family. He had tricked his brother and father and taken the birthright and the blessing of the firstborn, and then he had to leave. 

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Story 58 Jacob’s Favored Son

In all those years of Jacob’s travels, Esau had grown to a man of vast fortunes.  The customs of his family had also changed.  Esau did not marry women from Abraham’s heritage.  His marriages to Canaanite women deeply connected his life and children to the Canaanite nations around him.

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