Posts tagged genesis
Story 56 Using the Things of God for Ungodly Things

Shechem had grown up in the brutal town that shared his name.  It was a world where manipulation and corruption were the name of the game.  And when it came to how a man should treat a woman, it was even more brutal still.

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Story 60 Judah

The family of Jacob became more distant and broken.  Judah moved away from the clan and married a Canaanite woman.  Their first two sons were so wicked that God shortened their lives so they could sin no more.  Tamar was the wife of Judah’s oldest son, and now she was left alone and vulnerable. 

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Story 75 Rachel’s Blessed Children

The next blessing Jacob gave was for his son, Joseph.  Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh had already been blessed, and each of them would be considered equal to the rest of Jacob’s sons and their tribes.  Joseph would be counted as two, receiving the double portion of inheritance from his father.

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Story 76 Jacob Dies

Jacob blessed each of his sons with words of prophecy about the tribes that would come from each of them to make God’s holy nation.  These were words of breathtaking faith.  Jacob trusted that God would do what he had promised even though he could not see it.  Jacob knew that he was growing old. 

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