Posts tagged Bible stories
Story 62 The Cupbearer and the Baker

Joseph spent year after year in the prison dungeon, humbled to one of the lowest positions in life.  Yet he continued to faithfully and loyally serve God.  His God was with him in the middle of his suffering, and he trusted that his Lord had a purpose in it.

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Story 67 In the Home of Joseph

As soon as they arrived at Joseph’s house, they saw his steward, the main servant of the household. He was standing at the entrance of Joseph’s beautiful and elegant home, a palace fit for the most powerful ruler serving the king.

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Story 68 A Silver Cup in a Sack of Grain

After years of separation, Joseph’s brothers were sitting in his own home in Egypt.  How strange and wonderful it must have seemed.  When he saw Benjamin, he was filled with great sobs of tears.  He had to leave the room to pull himself together again. 

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Story 69 Joseph Reveals Himself

When Joseph told his brother who he really was, they were too terrified to say a thing.  So many years before, when he was defenseless and alone, they had thrown him in a cistern and sold him to be a slave. 

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Story 72 Jacob’s Blessings as Curses

Once Jacob had put these wide and powerful blessings on the sons of Joseph, he called all of his sons together.  He said, “‘Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.’” 

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Story 73 The Royal Blessing of Judah

God’s blessing for the next son was totally different from the ones given to Reuben, Simeon, and Levi.  This son was Judah.  We will read as he is given broad and wide blessings that would transform the nation of Israel and the world.  These remarkable blessings will continue into eternity! 

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Story 75 Rachel’s Blessed Children

The next blessing Jacob gave was for his son, Joseph.  Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh had already been blessed, and each of them would be considered equal to the rest of Jacob’s sons and their tribes.  Joseph would be counted as two, receiving the double portion of inheritance from his father.

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Story 76 Jacob Dies

Jacob blessed each of his sons with words of prophecy about the tribes that would come from each of them to make God’s holy nation.  These were words of breathtaking faith.  Jacob trusted that God would do what he had promised even though he could not see it.  Jacob knew that he was growing old. 

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