Posts tagged Jacob
Story 48 Jacob’s Flight

Esau was a bitter man.  He had been foolish enough to let his brother trick him out of his birthright, and now Jacob had taken his father’s blessing, too.  In his seething anger, he began to plot and scheme.  As soon as Isaac died, he would get his revenge. 

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Story 49 Jacob Arrives at Uncle Laban’s Estate

Jacob continued on his journey.  His trek led him away from the Land of Promise where his family faithfully waited on the LORD.  He was heading back to the region that Abraham, his great and honorable grandfather, had left over a hundred years before when he was called by God into the wilderness.

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Story 76 Jacob Dies

Jacob blessed each of his sons with words of prophecy about the tribes that would come from each of them to make God’s holy nation.  These were words of breathtaking faith.  Jacob trusted that God would do what he had promised even though he could not see it.  Jacob knew that he was growing old. 

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