Posts tagged City of David
Story 137: Two Kinds of King

Around that time, some Pharisees came to Jesus. A lot of the religious leaders wanted to see Jesus dead, but these men wanted to protect Him. They warned Him that King Herod wanted to kill Him.

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Story 145: Journeying to Lazarus

Jesus and His disciples made their way towards Jerusalem from the region of Perea. Jerusalem was a dangerous place for Him.

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Story 155: Heading Towards Jerusalem

Jesus was headed for Jerusalem. As they walked along the road, He strode with determination to move towards His task ahead. The disciples were amazed and full of fear. Everyone knew the rumors about the plans of the Sanhedrin.

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Story 156: Blind Bartemeaus

The eyes of the whole nation were on Jesus, wondering what the unpredictable young preacher would do next. Everyone knew that the most powerful religious leaders in the land had turned against Him. They were looking for any excuse to get rid of Him.

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Story 160: The Triumphal Entry of a Weeping King

The Lord Jesus and His disciples began their one mile trek from Bethany to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. Jesus had raised His friend, Lazarus from the dead only a few days before. Multitudes of people who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast had gone out to Bethany to see Lazarus and Christ.

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