Posts tagged servant
Story 74: The Outsider Enters In

Matthew wrote the Sermon on the Mount to show us all the things Jesus taught as He went about the countryside in Galilee. It gives us the big picture of what He said about life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Many of those ideas are also told in the book of Luke, but they are scattered throughout his book as Luke showed how Jesus was teaching those things along the way.

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Story 109: Coming as a Child

An argument had started to rise up between the disciples. They were debating over which one of them would be the greatest in the Kingdom of God. In the Jewish culture, rank and status were very important. Everyone knew their place in society.

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Story 155: Heading Towards Jerusalem

Jesus was headed for Jerusalem. As they walked along the road, He strode with determination to move towards His task ahead. The disciples were amazed and full of fear. Everyone knew the rumors about the plans of the Sanhedrin.

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Story 166: Passion Week: Turning Up the Heat

The religious leaders were mad. And they were scared. Nobody, not even the most brilliant minds in the nation, had the courage to stand up to Jesus any more. He was too quick. He spoke with a power and an authority that they had no answer to.

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