Posts tagged Son of Man
Story 106: What a Difference a Day Makes: From the Keys to the Kingdom to the Mouthpiece of Satan

Peter declared that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. It was a bold, unqualified statement, and he meant it. Only a fool would say something so outrageous if he didn't really believe it was true. It was not only a declaration of facts, it was a declaration of allegiance.

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Story 132: On Humility and Boldness: The Case of the Man Born Blind

It was a miracle that nobody had heard of before. A man that had been born blind…that didn’t even have the proper eyes to restore sight to…was given his sight. Once again, Jesus, the radical young preacher that was turning the nation of Israel upside down, had done something nobody could explain.

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Story 149: The Coming of the Son of Man

The Pharisees of Jesus’ time studied the Old Testament, and so they knew many wonderful truths from it. They also had many questions because the Old Testament had left many mysteries. They believed that God was going to come in power to establish the nation of Israel in a special, powerful way.

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Story 150: The Options

Noah and Lot were far from perfect men, but they listened to their God (see Genesis 6-9 and 18:16-19:29). When God’s merciful warnings came, they had ears to hear and were saved. The rest of the people during their times chose their own terrible ends by treating the words of their Maker with contempt.

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Story 151: The Prayers that Capture the Heart of God

When Luke wrote the stories of Christ’s life down in his Gospel, he made sure to record how Jesus wants His followers to live life for Him.

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Story 155: Heading Towards Jerusalem

Jesus was headed for Jerusalem. As they walked along the road, He strode with determination to move towards His task ahead. The disciples were amazed and full of fear. Everyone knew the rumors about the plans of the Sanhedrin.

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Story 162: Passion Week: The Coming of the Son of Man

It was the second day of the week. The exaltations of Christ’s triumphal entry the day before and the havoc He had created in the morning as He threw out the businesses that clogged the worship in the Temple courts were still ringing in the atmosphere of the Feast.

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Story 171: Passion Week: The Abomination of Desolation

Jesus was sitting with His disciples on the Mount of Olives. It was evening. As they looked out on the City of Jerusalem, the Lord Jesus described to what the last stages of human life on Earth would be like, and it was a devastating picture.

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Story 172: Passion Week: The Unknown Hour

Jesus had given His disciples the lesson that all of Israel had longed to hear. As they sat together on the Mount of Olives, He laid out God’s plan for the end of human history. Times would continue to be hard in the world of sin, and the hardships would grow worse until the time of the Great Tribulation.

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Story 174: Passion Week: Christ on the Judgment Seat

Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives with His disciples. He had journeyed with them to Jerusalem for what would turn into the last week of His life on earth. Now they sat on the Mount, looking out over the City of David. The grounds of the great Temple lay before them with a small valley between.

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Story 183: The Garden of Gethsemane: The Agony of Surrender

As Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover, the Lord revealed the mysteries of God’s plan to them in a much fuller way than they had ever understood before.

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Story 187: Before the Sanhedrin

The religious rulers had decided the outcome of Jesus’ trial long before the night of His arrest. They had to make sure that it ended with His death. He was far too dangerous. When they learned that Jesus and His disciples spent their nights in the Garden of Gethsemane, they acted quickly.

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