Posts tagged rejection
Story 77: Rejection or Rest

As Jesus preached to the people throughout the region of Galilee, the powerful religious leaders began rejecting His message. But it wasn’t just the religious leaders that refused to hear the message of God through John and Jesus.

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Story 83: The Message Veiled: The Parables Begin

The multitudes of crowds came to follow Jesus and see His amazing miracles. These were the powerful signs God had given in the Old Testament about the coming of His Kingdom. But as Jesus travelled to the cities and villages of Galilee, many of the people did not repent of their sins.

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Story 91: Back to Nazareth

After healing the blind men and the mute in Capernaum, Jesus made His way back to His hometown of Nazareth. That was a pretty bold thing to do. The last time we read about Christ visiting there, the townspeople tried to throw Him off a cliff!

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Story 103: Accepting and Rejecting: Epic Choices in Galilee

Jesus and His disciples were by the Sea of Galilee, but they were in the Decapolis. That was an area of 10 cities where Gentiles lived. This was outside of Jewish territory, and the people that lived there were the kind that most Jews would not even sit down with to eat a meal.

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Story 160: The Triumphal Entry of a Weeping King

The Lord Jesus and His disciples began their one mile trek from Bethany to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. Jesus had raised His friend, Lazarus from the dead only a few days before. Multitudes of people who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast had gone out to Bethany to see Lazarus and Christ.

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