Posts tagged joy
Story 115: Living Waters of Life

The great Feast of Tabernacles had begun in Jerusalem. Everyone wondering when Jesus was going to come. Rumors were swirling around that the Jewish leadership was planning to have Him killed. Yet many of the people who had travelled many miles to the Feast had also travelled miles to listen to Jesus preach.

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Story 137: Two Kinds of King

Around that time, some Pharisees came to Jesus. A lot of the religious leaders wanted to see Jesus dead, but these men wanted to protect Him. They warned Him that King Herod wanted to kill Him.

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Story 148: Delighting the Savior: The Power of a Grateful Heart

Jesus had traveled throughout the entire nation of Israel, from His early days in the north in Galilee to His proclamation in the south through Judea and Perea. The time had come for Him to take His final journey down to Jerusalem.

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