Posts tagged love
Story 30: Delving into the Mysteries of God: Nicodemus the Brave

The world of the Jews was being shaken. In the midst of their great, national Passover celebration, the young man named Jesus was turning everything upside down.

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Story 41: Just to be With Us

It is a rare thing for someone to truly have all the answers. In fact, in the vast realities of science and the social world of human behavior, it would be impossible for anyone to be able encompass all that is in one, finite little mind, now matter how smart they are.

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Story 53: Persecuted Ones: His Love for You is Great

As I prepare this blog, my heart trembles. I have never been called upon to truly suffer for my faith. One of the interesting things about blogging is that I can check every day to see how many people have read my posts and what countries they are from.

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Story 59: The Shattering Pain of Divorce: God's hope is for so much more

The next thing Jesus preached about in His Sermon on the Mount is a hard one. It is an area where the brokenness of the human race has created a painful, destructive disaster in the hearts and lives of many precious souls.

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Story 62: Who Do You Love? Part I

As Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount, He proclaimed six different ways that the Jewish leaders of His time had distorted and misused the high and holy Law of the Old Testament. In His protection against the rages of evil in this world, God gave commands against murder, adultery, and divorce so that sin would be restrained.

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Story 63: Who Do You Love? Part 2

As Jesus preached through His piercingly clear Sermon on the Mount, He began to talk about what it means to love. He pointed out that nobody should get a reward for loving the people who love you back. That’s easy.

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Story 78: Weeping Faith

In the midst of Christ's busy ministry of teaching and healing throughout the region of Galilee, one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to dine in his home. Many of the Pharisees had already rejected the Messiah completely, but this one was still struggling with how to understand the coming of Jesus and His remarkable miracles.

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Story 89: The Tender Love of the Lord

Imagine what it was like to be a disciple of Jesus. They saw Him heal with a power nobody had ever seen before. They stood by Him as He confronted the most influential men of His day. They watched Him silence the storm with a word.

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Story 110: Reorienting the Disciples to Love: Witness the persevering love of our Lord for His very human men

The disciples knew that something epic was coming. Jesus had performed incredible miracles right in front of their eyes. The lame walked, the blind could see, and the dead rose at His command. When He told the sea to be still, it obeyed.

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Story 111: The Toxic Power of Sin Vs. the Transforming Power of Love

As Jesus and disciples journeyed across the Galilean countryside towards Jerusalem, there was much time for thinking and discussion. In the last story (110), we learned that the disciples had started a discussion about which one of them would be greatest in God’s Kingdom.

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Story 122: Martha, Mary, and the One Thing Necessary

Sometimes our problem is that we really don't want to serve God. Jesus taught the story of the Good Samaritan to show how beautiful it is when we are willing to live in generous service and love to our neighbors.

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Story 134: The Good Shepherd Part 2

Throughout time, there have been those who do not care about Truth. Instead of trying to make Truth more clear, they use it and twist it for their own power and purpose. As Jesus continued to teach and preach, this what He said about these people: “‘All who ever came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’”

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Story 135: Unbreakable: The Son, His Love, and His Word

As Jesus told a story about a Good Shepherd (see lessons 133 and 134), His listeners understood that He was talking about Himself. They also knew He was claiming to be the Messiah.

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Story 144: Reflecting the Relentless Forgiveness of God

As Jesus continued to travel through Perea on His way to Jerusalem, He gave His disciples more lessons about what it meant to follow Him. His time was growing short, and He knew these men would be the ones to carry on His message after He was gone.

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Story 145: Journeying to Lazarus

Jesus and His disciples made their way towards Jerusalem from the region of Perea. Jerusalem was a dangerous place for Him.

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Story 146: The Resurrection and the Life

Jesus was on His way to Bethany with His disciples. Bethany was only about two miles from Jerusalem, the capitol city where the religious leaders were plotting to have Jesus killed. Going anywhere near Jerusalem was a dangerous decision…except it wasn’t.

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Story 150: The Options

Noah and Lot were far from perfect men, but they listened to their God (see Genesis 6-9 and 18:16-19:29). When God’s merciful warnings came, they had ears to hear and were saved. The rest of the people during their times chose their own terrible ends by treating the words of their Maker with contempt.

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Story 152: Sacred Romance

As Jesus finished His astonishing teachings about prayer (see Story 151), He moved on from the region in the north and worked His way through Perea. He journeyed as far as the region of Judea, on the far side of the Jordan.

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Story 153: The Priorities of God

One of the best things about reading about Jesus is how surprising He often was. He never seemed to do quite what His disciples, the religious leader, or even His family, expected.

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