Posts tagged Wealth
Story 86: Parables of the Kingdom: Hidden Treasures and the Heavenly Vision

Jesus continued to teach parables to help his disciples understand how the Kingdom of God would work in the world as true believers waited for Him to return.

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Story 153: The Priorities of God

One of the best things about reading about Jesus is how surprising He often was. He never seemed to do quite what His disciples, the religious leader, or even His family, expected.

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Story 154: On Joining or Resenting the Generosities of God

Jesus had a way of turning everything upside down. When the disciples tried to block the crowds from troubling Him with their children, Jesus not only told them to let the children come to Him…He told them that they needed to become more like the children!

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Story 169: Passion Week: The Widow's Mite

For most of the Bible stories on this site, the only things added to the stories are things like geographical facts, theological insights or reminders of where we are in the context of the broader biblical narrative. The goal is to keep as close to the story as possible while providing helpful information to understand it better.

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