Posts tagged teaching
Story 87: Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus spent another remarkable day teaching and healing the broken. By the time evening had come, the Lord was tired. That might seem surprising since Jesus was God. Can God get tired? Well, the truth is that Jesus was and is fully God, but during His time on earth, He willingly laid aside the privileges of His divine powers. He took on the form of a man when He came to save humanity (Phil. 2:5-11). That included taking on our human frailties.

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Story 104: Sight for the Blind

The disciples continued on their journey with Jesus around Galilee to the town of Bethsaida. A blind man was brought to the Lord, and he begged Jesus to touch him. Can you imagine that moment for the man?

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Story 110: Reorienting the Disciples to Love: Witness the persevering love of our Lord for His very human men

The disciples knew that something epic was coming. Jesus had performed incredible miracles right in front of their eyes. The lame walked, the blind could see, and the dead rose at His command. When He told the sea to be still, it obeyed.

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Story 114: Choosing Sides

Jesus and His disciples made their way in secret to Jerusalem. The Jews at the Feast were all looking out for Him, awaiting His arrival. The people debated whether He was sent by God or was a deceiver bent on leading the people far from the Lord.

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