Posts in Bible study
Story 134: The Good Shepherd Part 2

Throughout time, there have been those who do not care about Truth. Instead of trying to make Truth more clear, they use it and twist it for their own power and purpose. As Jesus continued to teach and preach, this what He said about these people: “‘All who ever came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’”

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Story 135: Unbreakable: The Son, His Love, and His Word

As Jesus told a story about a Good Shepherd (see lessons 133 and 134), His listeners understood that He was talking about Himself. They also knew He was claiming to be the Messiah.

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Story 138: Status in the Kingdom

The Pharisees were looking for a way to accuse Jesus. If only He would do something that they could use against Him…if only they could get Him to break the Law.

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Story 139: A Feast for the Broken

Jesus sat at the table of a powerful Pharisee. The influential, honored religious men of the region had joined them. Normally, an invitation to dinner is meant to be a sign of friendship, but in this case, it was quite the opposite.

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Story 140: Counting the Cost

As Jesus went around Perea proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God, great crowds began to follow Him wherever He went. A great line of hostility had been drawn by the most powerful religious leaders in Jerusalem against Jesus, but He was still the most popular teacher in the nation.

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Story 141: His Searching Love for the Lost

Sometimes when we read about the life and words of the Lord Jesus, He can seem wild and untamed. He is unpredictable. He does what we would never expect.

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Story 142: The Prodigal Son

Sometimes it is hard to accept Truth...especially if it goes against everything we thought we were fighting for.The religious leaders were upset at Jesus again. As Christ journeyed across the countryside, He spent a lot of His time with sinners and tax collectors, and they didn't like it.

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Story 145: Journeying to Lazarus

Jesus and His disciples made their way towards Jerusalem from the region of Perea. Jerusalem was a dangerous place for Him.

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Story 158: On Becoming A Many-Mina'ed Servant of God

As the Lord Jesus moved from Jericho on the path to Jerusalem, the people wondered what would happen when He got there. Would He reveal Himself as the conquering Messiah? Would He usher in the Kingdom of God?

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Story 161: Passion Week: The Scourging at the Temple

Jesus had entered Jerusalem for the Passover Feast with an invasion of praise and worship. The people danced alongside Him as He rode a colt into the City of David, fulfilling the prophecies of Zechariah for all to see. The long-awaited King had come. Healings poured out as Jesus came to the Temple.

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