Posts tagged justice
Story 61: Social Justice in the Kingdom of God

The next thing Jesus tackled in His Sermon on the Mount was a law that Moses gave in the book of Deuteronomy. It said: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” I've know some people to find this repulsive and brutal, but my guess is that they hadn't thought it through very deeply.

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Story 126: The Great Warnings: Part 1

From the point when Jesus started His ministry to where we are now in the story, it has been over two and a half years. He and His disciples have journeyed throughout the towns and villages and cities of Israel, proclaiming the Truth of God’s Kingdom and demonstrating the power of the Most High God through breathtaking miracles and heart-rending acts of compassion.

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Story 128: The War

The Day of the Lord is going to come and even as Jesus walked the earth, He longed for it. It will be the great Day of Salvation for all who put their faith in Him. It will also be a Day of Judgment and fire against rebellion and the darkness of this world. It will bring a final end to the curse, and will usher in a new era of everlasting joy and light.

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Story 188: Putting God on Trial

To a man like Pontius Pilate, the Jewish Sanhedrin must have seemed like a ridiculous horde of men. Pilate was the Roman governor appointed by the Roman Caesar, the most powerful man in the world. The Roman Empire had conquered the known world and dominated history for hundreds of years.

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