Posts in Bible Stories
Story 195: The Burial

The horrible day had past and evening had come. Jesus was dead, and it was time to take His body down from the cross. There was a man named Joseph of Arimathea who believed in Jesus and followed Him in secret. He was a true disciple, but he was also a member of the Sanhedrin.

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Story 197: Mary's Voice

We don’t know exactly what Mary Magdalene thought and felt as she followed Jesus and went through His death and resurrection. The Bible gives a few close pictures to help us imagine what she might have said. John the Apostle gave us a long version of her part of the story at the resurrection.

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Story 199: The Disciples Meet Their Risen Lord

Cleopas and his friend had been given something amazing. As they walked home from Jerusalem discussing the death of Christ…not to mention the strange rumors from the women about His resurrection…Jesus showed up.

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Story 200: A Power from on High

As the resurrected Christ spoke to His disciples in the secret, locked room in Jerusalem, they listened with rapt attention. Finally, His plans for them were being revealed. The Lord Jesus was giving His disciples instructions about the life that lay ahead of them.

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Story 202: Going Fishing

The Lord told His disciples that He would meet them up in Galilee, so they journeyed there, staying in Peter’s old hometown along the Sea. Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, James and John, and two of the other disciples were all together. At some point, Peter decided he wanted to get busy.

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